


Singing the Star-Spangled Banner

Remake Me

Thomasa Carson

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Experience a soft sound leading you to rekindle your spiritual relationship with God.

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Car-ride Convo (Blog)

Your Prayers Are Valuable Too 

You've heard before that God hears prayers. Are you convinced that he hears your prayers? Prayer is our way to directly communicate with God. Often, people feel that they are not worthy enough to have their prayers heard and that same feeling causes them to either not pray or feel stuck and frustrated when they attempt to pray. I want to first remind you that your own thoughts about who you are will not stop God from loving you or prohibit Him from hearing you when you pray. Secondly, I want to suggest that you offer worship to God before you pray so that you enter into a mental space that focuses on the absolute goodness of God. Lastly, I want to encourage you to include others in your prayers. When you pray for yourself, you are acknowledging to yourself and admitting to God that you need his guidance and help in your life. However, when you are concerned about the well-being of others in your prayers, God not only activates power in your life but then radiates His power into the lives of those that you pray for.  Once you pray, be patient and wait in faith for the answer. Our God knows best and does what is best.

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